  • Julia Criado, deputy head of the Subdirectorate of Planning and Management of the Radio Spectrum of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Function, will present the new ‘Map of 5G in Spain in 2024’.

  • Elena Puigrefagut, Senior Project Manager at the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), will present the European 5G-EMERGE project.

  • Angélica Sánchez, Orange Director – Mass Market, will analyze the advantages of the so-called “5G+”.

  • The seventh edition of the 5G Forum (May 6-10) will feature prominent women in the technology sector to complete its exclusive agenda.

The 5G Forum, “Where 5G leaders meet” has already started its countdown for its celebration from May 6 to 10 in hybrid format, with two face-to-face sessions -Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 May- and three virtual sessions -May 8, 9 and 10- at the Nissan Cartuja Auditorium in Seville. Within its broad agenda of experts, this seventh edition will be attended by prominent women in the 5G technology sector.

The new ‘5G Map of Spain in 2024’, by Julia Criado

The presentation of the new ‘Map of 5G in Spain in 2024’ will be one of the main attractions of the 5G Forum 24 and will be given by Julia Criado, deputy head of the Subdirectorate of Planning and Management of the Radio Spectrum of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and the Civil Service, who will describe the current situation of 5G connectivity in Spain, as well as the scenario in which the frequency bands for 5G are located and the future challenges for both 5G and the ambitious 6G.

Elena Puigrefagut to present the 5G-EMERGE

Elena Puigrefagut, Senior Project Manager at the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), will develop all aspects of 5G-EMERGE, “a 5G-based, satellite-centric hybrid network ecosystem optimized for media distribution”. This is a project led by the EBU (European Broadcasting Union), largely funded by ESA, the European Space Agency, under its ARTES program, which aims to “enable service providers to deliver video streaming services at scale and cost-effectively, while enhancing the user experience across a wide range of use cases.”

Angélica Sánchez and the 5G+ Future

Angélica Sánchez, Orange Director – Mass Market, will review the whole universe of new services that 5G can offer to customers, advancing other new uses yet to be developed. She will also talk about the guarantee of service quality and greater security that come with 5G+, thanks to which, for example, it will be possible to use applications with data processing in the cloud in real time.

Panel on the uses of 5G, moderated by Cristina León

Cristina León, Head of Audiovisual Business Development at Axión, will moderate a panel on 5G and the different uses in the telecommunications sector-audiovisual, critical communications and indoor coverage, with the participation of Manuel Garrido, head of telecommunications at Canal Sur Radio and Television (RTVA); Francisco Manuel Pérez Costa, Head of Civil Protection of the city of Seville; and Álvaro Ontañón, CIO of Merlin Properties.

Luisa Bastero will offer solutions for the customer

For her part, Luisa Bastero, Sales Manager at Viavi Solutions, will address some of the issues that most concern the telecommunications sector, such as quality, security and interoperability, not only in 5G networks, but also in what is to come with the future 6G. The sales manager of the Arizona-based multinational says that “with the migration of networks to the Cloud, complexity increases, demanding greater quality and interoperability measures”. This is where Viavi comes into play, as it offers all kinds of solutions to accompany the customer on this path with clear quality criteria.

Mª Eugenia Taillefer and ‘chatbots’ in 5G environments

The director of AI Funded, Mª Eugenia Taillefer de Prado, will provide her expert vision on Artificial Intelligence and machine learning with a presentation in which she will share with the audience how chatbots based on Language Models can be implemented in 5G environments.

Chatbots use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to establish natural conversations automatically. In this sense, Artificial Intelligence allows them to understand what users tell them and respond accurately or perform the correct action.

The ‘5G Forum’ has established itself as a reference forum in the technology sector, as it is a unique showcase with a multidisciplinary vocation to publicize each year the use cases and success stories of operators, companies, universities and institutions.

All the presentations of this and previous editions can be viewed through ‘The Observatory’, the digital platform of Medina Media Events, where all the interventions will be available 24/365 for on-demand consumption, like Netflix, but free of charge.

The seventh edition of ‘5G Forum’ is organized by Medina Media Events and is supported by MasOrange, Telefónica, Red Hat, Netmetrix, Huawei, ZTE, Mavenir, OFG, Vicomtech, Wavecontrol, Axión, the University of Málaga (UMA), Viavi Solutions, Nokia, Rohde & Schwarz, Gradiant, Hispasat, Gsertel, AI Funded, Opossum and Gamma Solutions, among others.